

Ira Batt was born into a family of a painter and sculptor.


1990-1995, Ira graduated at the national G.-R.-Derschawin-University for Art and Culture in Tambow (Russia) in the fields of piano and wind instruments.

 Since 1998, Ira lives in Germany, since 2012 in Frankfurt am Main.

 Ira is working as piano tutor and performs both as solo pianist and together with various artists.

The smell of oil-based paint and plaster- absorbed already in childhood, has raised Iras interest in painting. 

Since 2009, Ira is regularly painting and exhibits her oeuvre – in addition to her musical performances.

Ira Batt‘ painting style is: Abstraktionism, Impressionism and Avant-garde






-" Time cheanges you",  Solo Exhibition,  Eis-Café Arnoldo, Frankfurt am Main / Germany




- Group Exibition  Expo Metro, Los Angeles / USA



-"One more beautiful day" , Solo Exhibition, Law firm El Ouali, Frankfurt am Main / Germany

- "Beauty Time"Solo Exhibition, Praxis-TCM- Kim, Frankfurt am Main / Germany


-''Surgeon’s Trophies'', Solo Exhibition, surgical oncology clinic, Los Angeles, California/USA  



"Malerei mit allen Sinnen", Solo Exhibition, Bibliothekszentrum Nordweststadt, Frankfurt am Main/Germany




- "Farbiges Leben" Solo Exhibition,  Café ARTE, Oberursel / Germany




"Art Assemble" International Art Festival, Moscow/Russia 

- "Blossoming"  Solo Exhibition, Sonnenberg Clinic, Bad Sooden-Allendorf/Germany

- "Cappuccino" Solo Exhibition, "Café Merci",  Bad Homburg/Germany

- "Summer raid" Solo Exhibition "Stattcafé", Frankfurt am Main/Germany


- "Painting" Solo Exhibition,  Barmer GEK, Frankfurt am Main/Germany



- "The wide world on the small canvases", Group Exibition Wandelhalle, Bad Hersfeld/Germany




- "Today and Tomorrow" Solo Exhibition, Kurhaus, Bad Hersfeld/Germany

- "Color and Light" Solo Exhibition, Physiotherapy Center, Bad Hersfeld/Germany



- "Removens" Duo Exhibition, Citymuseum, Bad Hersfeld/Germany


Privat collections



United Kingdom





The artist is the human being who senses the beauty of nature and strives to express the thoughts and perceptions to others.

Ira Batt is not only an acknowledged musician, but also creating a new unusual reality as a painter. Her still developing painting style is founded on surrealism. Light-intensive colors serve to create a mysterious world in her works («Unser Apfel», "Australien", «Drei Wünsche»), predominantly with yellow and red colors in different shades as symbols for beauty, energy and love. These major chords of color rouse the fantasy and emotions of the observer ("Die Italienerin", " Sunny Day ") offering something, that her music cannot express.

Painting and music. These to arts are inseparably linked in Ira’s works. It is not surprising that she also elaborates on abstract painting. Her baseless paintings («Der Erdbeercocktail im Sommercafé...», "das Erwachen") strive– like her music – into the spheres and spirits of the universe as expressed in the etudes and preludes of her favorite composer Frederic Chopin. In her work «Die Rosen, die nach dem Meer schwimmen» Irina reflects Chopins etude №12 with the continuous change of harmonies, the rising waves and the character and coloring of the vastness of the ocean. There are more works linked to the topic „water“ and „sea“. In multiple paintings («Blues für zwei", « Oase des Traumes», «Schilonski Schloss», " Mondschein") Ira expresses the element water with the same laconic means (simple outline and large color spots) in landscapes and still lifes. Ira’s consequent display, next to using the saturated colors demonstrates that for Ira painting is the way to feel and live her emotions, more than only to document what can be seen.
Even in her series with the undressed women (Nude) one senses that the painter is not reproducing reality but expressing the emotions through colors. She allows the impressions and fantasy flowing through the soul, like a filter liberating from load and describing by simple forms and clear symbols.

Article by Natalia Mikhailova

/"Design studio Rudykh"/